Good work starts with the right type of permit.
Typically, a permit is required to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system. For specific permit and inspection requirements, See the list below.
Permit Applications can be found here: Taylor Building Permit Application or for a fillable form: Taylor Building Permit Application Fillable
A plumbing permit IS REQUIRED to do the following:
•Replace water heaters; alter piping inside a wall or ceiling, or beneath a floor, and for plumbing in all new installations.
•Emergency repair, alteration, or replacement of freeze-damaged or leaking concealed piping, if new piping exceeds three feet
•Remodel or add on to your one- or two-family dwelling when existing plumbing is to be relocated. This includes installation of building sewers, water service, and exterior rain drains
A plumbing permit IS NOT REQUIRED in the following circumstances:
•When a property owner does “ordinary minor repairs” to plumbing systems on his or her own property, which means repair, replacement, or maintenance of existing accessible fixtures, parts, and appliances.
•When working with water and drain attachments. Do not alter an existing plumbing system without a permit.
•When a property owner or licensed plumber performs emergency repairs to, or replacement of, freeze-damaged or leaking concealed piping, provided new piping doesn’t exceed three feet in length.
If you are not sure if you need a permit, call your Taylor Building Department (928)-536-7366.
Where do I get a permit for plumbing work?
Permits are issued at The Building Department, which is located at the Taylor Town Hall. For small jobs, (Water heaters, piping exceeding three feet) you will complete a form, pay a fee, and get your permit. If a plumbing contractor is doing the work, it is the contractor’s responsibility to get the permit and ensure that required inspections are done. The plumbing permit will be issued in the name of the party performing the work.
How do I get an inspection?
If you are having the work done by a plumbing contractor, the contractor is required to notify the inspecting jurisdiction Twenty-four (24) hours before the work is ready for inspection. If you are doing the work yourself, call (928) 536-7366 Twenty-four (24) hour in advance to request an inspection. When you call, you will be asked for the permit number, homeowner’s name, project address, type of inspection needed, and the date on which inspection is desired. If you have installed water piping, the work must be operational for inspection. Inspectors may require that drainage piping be plugged and filled with water for inspection.
What is mechanical work?
Mechanical work on one or two-family dwellings includes heating, cooling, or ventilation systems, including bath vents and wood stoves. Installation, alteration, or repair of gas piping between the meter and an appliance or other equipment, including all liquefied petroleum gas piping, is also considered mechanical work.
A permit IS REQUIRED to do the following:
•Install or change any part of a heating or cooling system that must be vented into any kind of chimney, including un-vented decorative appliances that must be manufactured for Taylor elevation.
•Install a wood stove, fireplace insert, pellet stove, or related venting.
•Install, alter, or repair gas piping between the meter and an appliance (indoors or outdoors).
•Install bath fans, dryer exhausts, kitchen range exhausts, and appliances that are required to be vented.
If you are not sure if you need a permit, call (928) 536-7366.
How do I get a permit for mechanical work?
Permits are issued at the Taylor Building Department, which is located at the Taylor Town Hall.
What information do I need?
Plans are generally not necessary to obtain a permit to do small mechanical work on a dwelling. You will be expected to briefly describe the work proposed. For example, describe the appliance you intend to install and whether you will be installing a new vent, new ductwork, etc. If you are installing new gas piping, know how many outlets for future gas appliances you need.
If applying for a permit to install or replace a wood stove or fireplace insert, you will be asked whether the appliance is certified to meet Department of Environmental Quality emission standards. The inspector will check the label on the stove or stove insert at inspection. If you are not sure whether the appliance is certified to meet emission standards, ask the dealer.
If available, a Building Inspector or the Building Official, can discuss your project with you. If all the necessary information is available, you can usually leave with your permit.
Mechanical permit fees are generally based on the number of appliances, chimneys, vents, or gas piping outlets that will be installed. Permit fees are paid when the permit is issued.
How do I get an inspection?
Any work done under a permit must be inspected by a Building Inspector. Call the Building Department at (928) 536-7366 for inspections. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required for inspections. When you call, you will be asked for the permit number, name permit is issued under, project address, type of inspection needed, and the date on which inspection is desired. Unless all of the work is outside and accessible, an adult needs to be at the site to provide access for the inspector.
A permit IS REQUIRED to do the following:
•Install or alter any permanent wiring or electrical device.
•Run additional wiring, put in an electrical outlet or light fixture, install a receptacle for a garage-door opener, or convert from fuse box to circuit breakers.
•Install or alter low-voltage systems such as security alarms or stereo or computer systems.
For homeowners, a permit is not required to replace electrical devices or to perform the maintenance on an existing electrical installation. If you are unsure about whether or not you need a permit, call the Building Department at (928) 536-7366.
How do I get a permit for electrical work?
Permits are issued at the Building Department, which is located at the Taylor Airport. Drawn plans are not necessary to get a permit to do most residential electrical work. You need to know the structure’s square footage, the panel’s amperage, and the number of circuits, both existing and new and a description of work to be done. Fees are based type and amount of work being done.
A Building Inspector or the Building Official can discuss your project with you. If you have the necessary information for the proposed project, you can usually leave with your permit. Electrical permit fees are paid when the permit is issued.
How do I get an inspection?
Any work performed under a permit must be inspected by a Building inspector. You may call the inspection request line at (928) 536-7366. A minimum of 24-hours’ notice is required for inspections.
When you call, you will be asked for the permit number; name permit is issued under, project address, type of inspection needed, and date on which the inspection is desired. Be prepared to furnish a detailed description of the electrical work performed. Unless all of the work is outside and accessible, an adult needs to be at the site to provide access for the inspector.
When do I need an inspection?
Most electrical permits require three inspections: rough in, service and final.
Call for a rough-in inspection when all of the new circuits are wired, grounding wires are in, the raceways and boxes are installed, and any necessary nail plates are put on. Do not cover any work with insulation, receptacles, or wall switches until the inspector has approved it.
Call for a service inspection when the service electrical mast, the electric meter base, the service panels, and the grounding electrodes and terminals have been installed. Wires must be visible without removing cover devices. Sometimes, the inspector is able to inspect these items during the rough-in inspection. NOTE: The electric utility company will not energize your service panels with out proof (green tag) of our inspections
Call for a final inspection upon completion of the electrical work. Be sure that panel boxes are covered and circuits are labeled in the correct spaces on the box. All of the equipment, fixtures, switches, and appliances must be installed, grounded, and energized for the final inspection.
Planning to do electrical work on your one- or two-family dwelling?
You must be both the owner and the occupant of the dwelling to obtain a permit to do the electrical work yourself. You may not perform any electrical installations or modifications on a house or residential unit intended for sale, lease, rent, or exchange. If you do not own and do not intend to live in the unit, a licensed electrical contractor must do the work.
A landlord, landlord’s agent, or the employee of the landlord or landlord’s agent may replace an existing garbage disposal, dishwasher, or electric water heater with a similar appliance of 30 amps or less, single phase, in residential properties.
A permit IS REQUIRED to:
•Add a room.
•Build, demolish, or move a carport, garage, or shed of more than 200 square feet. Portable buildings are NOT exempt.
•Finish an attic, garage, or basement to make additional living space. This may require Planning and Zoning approval. Please call (928) 536-7366 for information.
•Cut a new window or door opening, or widen existing openings.
•Move, remove, or add walls.
•Apply roofing when all of the old roofing is removed and new sheathing is installed.
•Build a stairway.
•Build a retaining wall when it retains over 4′ measured from the bottom of the footing.
•Build a deck over 30″ above grade adjacent to & within 3′ of the decks edge.
•Put up a fence over 7′ high.
If you are not sure whether you need a permit, contact the Building Department at (928) 536-7366
What information will I need to get a permit?
•Address and parcel number of the property.
•Description of the work proposed.
•Owner’s name, address and phone number.
•If applicable, the contractor’s name, address, phone number and state license number.
•Two sets of plans for new construction of homes (two for remodeling also) that clearly show all work on the building and where the building sits on the property. Typical plans include a site plan, footer plans, floor plans, truss spec’s and cross sections showing construction details.
Who must review my project?
The Building Official will review your plans to ensure the proposed project meets the requirements of the 2015 International Building Codes as amended and adopted by the Town of Taylor.
If additional information or changes are necessary, you will be contacted by phone or mail and asked to furnish the information.
Who gets the permit?
As the owner of a one- or two-family dwelling, you can hire a contractor licensed by the State or you can get the permit and do the work yourself.
How long does it take to get a permit?
A plan review generally takes up to two weeks for one- and two-family dwellings. Time frames can change, depending on the complexity of the project and the completeness of the information you submit with your application.
When you submit your plans, you will be asked to pay the plan review fee. You pay the structural permit fee when the permit is issued. When your plans have been reviewed, stamped “approved” and signed, one set will be returned to you with your permit.
When can work begin?
When your permit has been issued and one set of your approved plans returned, work can begin. The permit and plans must be on the job site and available to the inspector. To change your plans from what was originally approved, you must show the changes on two additional sets of plans and take them to the your local building department. Do not mark the approved set.
How do I get an inspection?
Any work done under a permit must be inspected by an Building Inspector. You may call the inspection request line at (928) 536-7366 within 24 hours of completion of any phase of the project. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required for inspections.
When you call, you will be asked for the permit number; name permit is issued under, project address, type of inspection needed, and date on which inspection is desired. Unless all of the work is outside and accessible, an adult needs to be at the site to provide access for the inspector.